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2009 Winnipeg cycling map

posted at October 16, 2008 17:15 (about 1 year ago)

A project partnership between Bike to the Future (BttF), the Manitoba Cycling Association (MCA), the City of Winnipeg, the Winnipeg Trails Association (WTA), Climate Change Connection, One Green City,and Resource Conservation Manitoba (RCM)was initiated in September to create a new Winnipeg cycling map for 2009. The target release date is on Earth Day in late April.

The project team consists of

  • Curt Hull (BttF Treasurer, Project Manager)
  • Ron Brown (MCA Executive Director)
  • Kevin Nixon (City of Winnipeg's Active Transportation Co-ordinator)
  • Janice Lukes (Winnipeg Trails Association)
  • Beth McKechnie (Resource Conservation Manitoba, creator of the 1999 Cyclists' Map of Winnipeg)
  • Anders Swanson (One Green City)
  • Gord McGonigal (VP of MCA Recreation & Transportation in 1999)
  • Ted Mann (route checking)

All eight of these team members are Bike to the Future members.

The new Winnipeg cycling map will be based on the City of Winnipeg's Active Transportation Network (1.5MB PDF) map. It'll be a pocket-sized Z-style map.

Route information needs to be verified before winter, so Ted is asking all BttF members and supporters to assist him with this task.

Beth will be at our Fall Forum with a list of routes that still need to be checked, and she will assign routes to anybody who is interested in helping with this task. Any routes left over will then be posted here. If you'd like to help, but can't attend the Fall Forum, please contact us.

Route checking criteria (what to look for):

  • Existing infrastructure (cycling route signs, sharrows, diamond lane, multi-use pathway or sidewalk, etc)
  • General sense of curb lane width (narrow, ample)
  • Vehicle parking allowed (neither, one or both sides of street)
  • Surface type (paved, gravel, cement)
  • Obvious hazards, choke points, anomalies
  • Gaps in continuity
  • Difficult or dangerous crossings
  • Whether a trail/path has lighting
  • Suggestions for infrastructure improvement on that route
  • Attributes/features (such as gas stations with an air hose, bike shops, public washrooms, public drinking water source, ice cream shops, or other sites of interest to commuting and recreational cyclists)

Also, if you use a route that you think is very good for cycling, but it's not on the City of Winnipeg's Active Transportation Network (PDF) map, please contact us.

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