
Warming Hearts in Winnipeg -- Exploring Sustainable Happiness as Part of Health and Community Design: Dr Catherine O’Brien

posted at January 14, 2009 19:06 (19 days ago)
Wednesday, February 11, 07:00 PM
Millennium Library, Carol Shields Auditorium, Donald St & Graham Ave
  • 7:00 to 8:30 PM
  • Free admission.
  • Interactive presentation.
  • Refreshments.
  • Presented by Health in Common and Resource Conservation Manitoba.
  • Poster

Catherine O’Brien is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education (Health & Wellness) at Cape Breton University, a Research Associate of the Centre for Sustainable Transportation, and co-author of Child and Youth Friendly Land Use and Transport Planning Guidelines (1.3MB PPT). In addition, Dr O’Brien has drawn from the fields of positive psychology and sustainability to develop a new concept: sustainable happiness. She defines this as the pursuit of happiness that is respectful of other people, the natural environment, and future generations. Her work emphasizes the significance of creating communities that meet the needs and aspirations of children, and planning for sustainable happiness.

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